Fat transfer is a minimally-invasive surgical procedure during which a person’s own fat is harvested though needles, 或套管, then purified outside the body and re-injected into areas that need more volume. In essence, fat is taken from wherever it is unwanted and transferred to wherever it is wanted.
非常. 就在过去十年里, 在收割方面取得了许多进展, 纯化和注射技术. Many plastic surgical training programs have begun to incorporate fat transfer into their curricula, it is routinely discussed at national and international plastic surgical
有哪些不同种类的 脂肪转移手术? 它们是如何执行的??
Fat transfer procedures may be categorized as cosmetic procedures and reconstructive procedures. 美容用途主要包括 面部复兴 (脸颊增大, 唇术, 下眼睑澳洲幸运10最新正规开奖官网, 鼻轮廓线, 皱纹/折痕填充, acne scar treatment) and 丰臀; reconstructive purposes include filling of post-cancer defects, treatment of radiation damage and scar revision to name a few.
They are all performed using sterile technique in an operating room, they all include various methods for (1) fat harvesting that is similar to liposuction, (2)脂肪净化使用离心机, 过滤器和/或灯芯, (3) fat injection using syringes and specialized needles 或套管. The fat must then be painstakingly placed in tiny particles throughout the surrounding tissues in a latticework, 或者蜂窝图案, so that they take on blood supply and become part of the body once again.
(4) What types of 脂肪转移手术 do you perform?
面部复兴, 丰臀乳腺癌缺损填充及疤痕修复.
(5) What are the pros and cons of these different fat transfer surgeries?
Pros: Permanent, natural, safe, minimally-invasive, affordable.
Cons: Variable results depending upon surgeon and patient.
一个有利的副作用是:干细胞活性. 脂肪富含干细胞, current research is attempting to understand how 脂肪转移手术 may maximize their utility. 许多患者表示肤色有所改善, 清晰, 纹理和毛孔密度高于脂肪转移区域, which may possibly be due to stem cell differentiation into skin cells. Negative side effects can include oil cysts, fat necrosis or granulomas.
(7) How are fat transfer considerations different from other plastic surgery procedures?
首先,选举结果可能难以预测. They are highly dependent upon the surgical technique and the surgeon’s experience, 还有澳洲幸运10正规官网开奖平台自身的脂肪和血液供应. 其次,随着时间的推移,结果会发生显著变化. Most studies show that 50-70% of injected fat cells survive, which means that up to half of the immediate result may be lost. This leads most surgeons to “over-correct” during the procedure, 明知最后的结局会更少. Finally, it is a permanent solution, unlike fillers such as 玻尿酸 或者是一年后就会消失的青少年综合症. Some patients use temporary fillers to test their appearance before committing to fat transfer.
One of the most exciting and controversial applications for fat transfer is in cosmetic 隆胸. Many women (and surgeons) are thrilled by the idea of taking fat from the belly, 或者是臀部,用它来放大乳房. 这些技术正在得到发展和完善, but many questions about long-term safety and the effect on breast cancer screening will need to be answered before this becomes mainstream. Also, more breakthroughs in the delivery of stem cells through fat transfer will likely be seen soon.
(9) What is the average cost of a fat transfer procedure?
Fat transfer may be done under local or general anesthesia, depending upon the extent of the procedure and the areas of treatment. 小的面部年轻化通常花费在2000美元左右, 面部年轻化的主要费用约为5000美元, 隆臀手术的费用约为10美元,000.
Dr. 杰弗里·唐纳森 is a board-certified plastic surgeon with a specialization in 脂肪转移手术. He has performed thousands of successful surgeries throughout his 20+ years at his practice and continues to help patients everywhere understand the necessary details about this popular cosmetic solution.
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